Charlotte Clark


Screenshot of remind home screen


As we begin to adapt to our new post-COVID environment and develop new routines for self-care, we want the capability to take our wellbeing and happiness into our own hands and find new ways for encouragement and accountability. Additionally, we want to gain new insights on how our physical habits and mental state are intertwined, so that we can modify or improve our own behaviors as we re-integrate and begin rebuilding our communities.

This was my first experience using a MERN framework. As a group, we came up with so many thoughts on what metrics to track for our users, and we wanted the users to be able to view their data over time in an easy and accessible way on the dashboard. We also set up the site in a way that the style and prompts on the home page change based on when the user logs in. This site tracks daily water intake, time spent socializing, time outdoors, hours of sleep, intentions for each day set in the morning, and gratitude set each evening.


HTML / CSS / JavaScript / MongoDB / GraphQl / React / Heroku / bcrypt / Cloudinary / Node / Express


I worked with a team of three others. I worked with one other to write the backend code. I wrote the queries and mutations for front end and back end. I collaborated with my partner on the resolvers and typedefs in the backend. I styled the dashboard and all question components using prop drilling to dynamically change style based on what time of day it is when the user views the page.